Tuesday, September 15, 2009

3D/4D Ultrasound Pictures

Yes, I know in the Creed song he's talking about his son. But pretend it's not. :) ha.
I had a different song for the video but it wouldn't work so, I had to pick one from youtube and this is the only one I could find that could possibly fit. I don't know.
These are the 3D/4D ultrasound pictures just put to music.
I was about 29/30 weeks when I got this done. Probably the best time to do it.

9 days until my due date :)


  1. Wow, is she opening her eyes in those? Those are amazing!

  2. Yeah, her eyes were open practically the whole time. I had a frosty from Wendy's like 10 minutes before and she was SO active. The ultrasound tech was really surprised that her eyes were open. And she was breech at that time I was only like 29-30 weeks along so I wasn't too worried then. So that's why her foot is in her mouth in some of the pictures.

  3. Wow, amazing 3d 4d video :) Thanks for sharing.
    Pregnancy Ultrasound Dublin

  4. Nice post - 4d ultrasound pictures ..Keep Posting

    4d ultrasound pictures
